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Hypnotherapist Lorna Cordwell


I am Lorna Cordwell,

Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist. 

Welcome to my website


With over 30 years experience as a therapist, and with clinics in Harley Street, London, and the Northeast of England, I offer help for many issues using integrative and evidence-based practice.  Do contact me if you believe I can help you.

Coronavirus update March 2020 - all sessions will now be online.  For details click below

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Are you struggling at the moment and looking for a way forward?  Are you experiencing anxiety, or stress, or have a habit that you want to let go of? 
I offer one to one help and support 
I use a blend of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy in a plan tailored for you and what you want to achieve.
Take a look at some of the types of issues I offer help with:
If you have been looking for help for a while, you might by now be feeling confused about the array of help that you have come across online.  I use evidence based practice as much as possible, and hypnosis has been widely researched for the past 100 years.  Hypnotherapy is the therapeutic use of hypnosis and it has it's roots in psychotherapy.  I have trained in several models so I tailor your sessions to what I believe is best for you. 
Some of the models I use are Cognitive Behavour Therapy (and Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy), Psychodynamic Theory, Person Centred , Transactional Analysis, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy and Gestalt.  Don't worry if this doesn't mean anything to you - its not important that it does!  More important is that we meet, agree to work together and find the best way forward for you.  I bring my experience and skills to the sessions, and you bring your experience of you and your needs.
I have full insurance, full registration with several Professional Registers, am BUPA registered as a psychotherapist and I have been fully qualified for many years.
Hypnotherapy is my passion because I know how well it can work.

Have a long term fear of flying? 

Want to stop eating chocolate? 

Worried what people will think when you give that presentation? 

Been feeling low? 

Lacking in confidence?

I can help

have an issue that you have been struggling with - contact me and I'll let you know how I may be able to help

Hypnotherapist Lorna Cordwell
want more information about me?

Lorna Cordwell BSc(Hons) MRes ADHP(NC) FHS UKCP MBPsS

What is Hypnosis?
You will come across many websites that explain hypnosis in simple terms as something like 'a state of relaxation which you allow yourself to enter'.  This definition gives you some indication of hypnosis but is far from adequate.  The truth is, that even after hypnosis in its various forms has been around for 1000's of years, and even after 100 years of experimental research across the world, experts still do not fully agree on a definition of hypnosis.
The most recent definition from the American Psychological Society Division 30 in 2014, which has created lively debate among academics is:


Hypnosis: A state of consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness characterized by an enhanced capacity for response to suggestion.




A very small percentage of people cannot be hypnotised and the experience is always unique to you.  Hypnosis is generally experienced as relaxing and absorbing, and many clients have commented that its very pleasant and can be quite awe inspiring. 
Want more information about hypnosis? 
Does it work?
Of course, this is what you want to know. 
There is good evidence to show that hypnosis for anxiety-related conditions, habits and pain control is effective. There is growing evidence that hypnosis can help with depression in many ways.  Most hypnotherapists have experience of hypnosis being effective for sports performance, public speaking or performance anxiety, low self-esteem or low confidence and for many other conditions.  When I refer to evidence, I am referring to academically produced randomised controlled trials that show statistical or clinical significance, and that have been published in reputable scientific peer-reviewed journals.  The evidence is there that it works.
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(C) 2018 Lorna Cordwell.  All Rights Reserved.  No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.

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