The Therapist
I realise that the array of qualifications held by hypnotherapists can be very confusing. This is mainly because hypnotherapy is taught in private colleges rather than Universities.
I started my therapy training at the London School of Economics (part of the University of London), a Russell Group University, by studying Social Psychology graduating in 1983. Four years later I also graduated from one of the oldest colleges of Hypnotherapy, the National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, with a distinction and the Annual Award for the best Dissertation submitted that year.
Over the years I have added to my qualifications and understanding of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. I am a Fellow of the National Hypnotherapy Society and I hold memberships of United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy and British Psychological Society, organisations revered by the Professional Standards Authority, the National Health Service and insurance providers such as BUPA as upholding professional standards of therapy.

Lorna Cordwell BSc (Hons) MRes ADHP(NC) FHS UKCP MBPsS
At a time when evidence-based practice is held in high regard, I took a Masters in Psychological Research Methods at the University of Hull. World renown researchers into hypnosis are part of their Psychology Department and I successfully graduated having been supervised by two of the leading researchers into hypnosis, Irving Kirsch and Giuliana Mazzoni for three projects involving hypnosis.
I have a hypnotherapy supervisor qualification from the National Council for Hypnotherapy, and am accredited as a supervisor by UKCP and REBHP and I have, for the past 15 years, supervised other therapists, both experienced and new to the profession.
I have taught hypnotherapy and psychotherapy to students across the country for the past 14 years and continue to do so. I have taught Evidence-Based Hypnosis on a British Psychological Society accredited course for the UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy; and continue to supervise the practice of several of their course tutors. I also teach Counselling and Psychotherapy for Chrysalis Not For Profit Limited, the largest provider of psychotherapy courses in the country. I am currently their Head of Qualifications and Quality.

speaking on Hypnosis for children at the 11th National Psychologist's Conference in Beijing, China, 2017 with my wonderful translator Katherine
I would estimate that I have probably trained over 1000 students in therapy, many of whom are in practice today.
I see clients in London, Durham and York and I offer support for a wide range of issues that can be helped by individual therapy sessions, either using hypnosis, psychotherapy or both.
My clients are varied and I don't specialise in just one type of therapy as I have training in an integrative approach. This means that I work with many issues that people are hoping to let go of.